Friday, January 22, 2010

The Dangers of Shopping

This is after my dangers for the day. A free water and lollipop can heal the soul.

For most people shopping is a fun and exciting adventure, but for me and my friend today it was probably the most scariest thing we have ever done. We were on the Drag today, which is a strip of awesome home grown Austin stores, walking to our favorite clothing exchange store. Anyways on this six block walk my friend and I were just talking about our day at school and whatnot and then all of a sudden a horn blares. We both looked up and a SUV cut off a BMW and almost ran us over on the side walk. I just grabbed on the fence and my friend just froze. The really cute boys behind us were trying to jump over the fence. I know this sounds crazy and believe me it is, but shopping in Austin is tons of fun, this experience just reminded me that life is short and that we should all live it to the fullest. I am happy that no one was hurt, but kids don't forget to look around at your surroundings, you never know what you will see and maybe it is good and maybe it is bad. So everyone have a great day and just remember fashion can be scary.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and I am so thankful that we and those supercute boys are okay!
